100 sinónimos encontrados en 14 grupos
  1. 1
    Significado: interference
    stoppage obstruction restraint blocking
  1. 2
    Significado: restriction
    obstruction deprivation hindrance arrest
    control frailty limitation deterrence
  2. 3
    Significado: obstructing
    interference resistance obstruction
    impediment clashing intervention
  3. 4
    Significado: stay
    check stop obstruction deterrent
    halt hindrance arrest interruption
  4. 5
    Significado: resistance
    opposition impeding obstruction blocking
    hindrance halting hindering
  1. 6
    Significado: barrier
    stop arrest obstacle obstruction
    check impediment hindrance damper
  2. 7
    Significado: difficulty
    obstruction complication adversity
    maze barricade obstacle
  3. 8
    Significado: obstacle
    adversity obstruction barrier bar
    cross-piece screen traverse
  4. 9
    Significado: impediment
    barrier deterrent obstruction hindrance
    obstacle restraint block interference
  5. 10
    Significado: thing
    barrier stop arrest obstacle obstruction
    damper impediment hindrance check
  6. 11
    Significado: hindering
    opposition impeding obstruction blocking
    hindrance halting resistance
  7. 12
    Significado: embankment
    dike dam obstruction talus
    ridge block levee
  8. 13
    Significado: deterrent
    hindrance damper constraint impediment
    obstacle obstruction discouragement
  9. 14
    Significado: stop
    check stay obstruction deterrent
    halt hindrance interruption arrest

ᐅ Todos los sinónimos para obstruction | Significados y palabras similares

Sinónimos anteriores y posteriores a obstruction

  • obsolete
  • obstacle
  • obstinacy
  • obstinate
  • obstreperous
  • obstruct
  • obstructed
  • obstructing
  • obstructing legislation
  • obstruction
  • obstructive
  • obtain
  • obtain the use of
  • obtainable
  • obtained
  • obtrude
  • obtrusion
  • obtrusive
  • obtuse
  • obverse